My mind has been sidetracked by circles, and squares, and triangles for several days. I’ve pondered my relation to all three and have decidedly determined I am a triangle. I’m ok with that. It just helps to know what I am. Let me explain.

A woman by the name of Naomi Hattaway has written an article on this entire subject that you can find here. If you don’t read it, you’ll still be able to follow. I once grew up, learned, lived, fell in love, and started a family in the good ole USA. There is so much I love about my country (especially the taste of beef, particularly hamburgers; oh, and Reese’s peanut butter cups). Let’s call the US a “circle country.” We have our own culture, customs, traditions, holidays, styles, and ways of doing things (spoken & unspoken). One day I got on a plane and flew far away to Africa (Kenya). Kenya is a “square society” and has her own culture, customs, traditions, holidays, styles, and ways of doing things… I was immersed as a circle inside a square. However hard I tried, I would never be a square. NEVER! So, those of us in that situation, morphed into a new shape. We became triangles. Then, on another day (rather kicking & screaming at first), I hopped on another plane and came back to circle country. I was now a triangle in a circle land. I looked like a circle; spoke like a circle; dressed like a circle; but in my heart I knew I was a little bit different. Just a little bit. It was hard to figure out why, until I sat with this story for a while. I am a triangle. In my heart there are round bits and pieces of my culture, but there are also a few square bits, and, only those who are triangles really “get it.”

My heart is filled with circle and square events, memories, people, and things I love. Those things have made me who I am. They aren’t bad, just not always understood. It’s why I love Thrive retreats. For a few days, I get to embrace being a triangle and laugh at our quirky ways, weep over the pain of life, reminisce over the way things were, connect with each other in discovery that you know who I know, and “let me tell you a funny memory I have about them”! We go DEEP fast, surface talk is non-existent, but Jesus’ stories rule the bulk of conversation.

When all is said and done, though, the reality rises to the forefront that one day we will ALL be an entirely different shape altogether; but it it will be the same shape. It will be the shape of praise for the King of Kings who is enthroned above. The One who is creating for us a new land. A place where we will be at home, and truly be able to answer the question without hesitation, “Where are you from?”

I go to prepare a place for you…and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

Matthew 14:2-3

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