since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every
weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race
that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our
faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the
shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.


Those are such great verses. 
I hope you read every word carefully. In fact, even if you did, would
you glance back up at the top, stop, and read it again, slowly, emphasizing
each word. What a jam-packed passage filled with a GOOD WORD for so many
situations in which we find ourselves. However, I’ve been battling the
shame-factor, AGAIN, and this is the verse I’m using as my attack-plan.
Here’s the first thing that struck me: Jesus gets our continual problem with shame. He understands it. When God penned these words about Jesus
in Scripture through human hands, in
every way tempted as we were,
He meant IN.EVERY.WAY. Oh my goodness, the
power of hearing the words, me, too!  As I read this verse to myself, I heard the
soul-whisper of the Spirit of God: “Oh, Peg…me, too! Shame was my temptation,
too. It springs out of our humanness. But, here’s the victory: LEARN TO DESPISE
IT!” Is that not comforting?
As, I took some time to cross-reference, and do a little
word-study, I, first, found the difference between Jesus’ shame and mine. His
came from the reproach of others. People mocked him, tormented him, “made a
mouth at him,” refused to believe him, and eventually crucified him. For me,
shame doesn’t always come from anywhere but my own brain. I think too much. I
contemplate what I think others are thinking, what I think they would say to me
if they weren’t buttoning up their lips (or possibly being fakey, too-kind), and I start to respond as if it that
were so. Confusing, right? But that’s one of the descriptors of all shame:
(Greek – aischyne) the confusion of one
who is ashamed, or feels disgraced, by anything. 
I am my own worst critic. However, the Lord has given me a
model to follow with one word, despise (scorn). To despise, meaning
to exercise the mind, to set an opinion about, to think against, to dis-esteem,
to make a choice to think little or nothing of an event. There it is. There’s
the key. Jesus made a choice to think nothing of the shame that came from the
words and actions of ANYONE else, because He had a greater goal in mind. Jesus
had a mission, a calling, which was taking him straight to the cross, and the
right hand of the Father. That end was his joy, and He refused to let
shame stop Him
In my own little way, in your own little way, we are
purposed for the Kingdom of Heaven, and on our way there, we have a job to do. Yes, a job that should be our joy! God has validated each of us with special
gifts to bring Him glory, and point others to salvation. Of course, the enemy
would love to silence our joy-job with shame! The Lord has made me/us to be
vessels of honor, sanctified, set apart for the Master, and prepared for EVERY
good work (2 Timothy 2:21-22).
  Yet, if
our enemy can weary us under the weight of a backpack of shame, he will do his
very best.
But, for the joy, Jesus endured…and He scorned…
Now, He says, “Child, focus on your joy-job, and do not
dwell on reproach – not from others, but especially not your own made-up shame.
Endure…and scorn. Lay it all down at my feet, and carry on. Shun the weariness
and faintheartedness that comes with hauling around something so un-important,
and, un-necessary!”

A verse further, and Scripture says, “…then, we will not grow weary and lose heart.”  Of course, that’s what the enemy wanted from Jesus in an attempt to keep Him from the cross.  Yes, it’s what he knows will keep us wearied and discouraged, and so, will use to try and stop us in our tracks. So, NO! NO! NO! I.Will.Not.Let.Satan.Stop.Me.From.MY.Joy-Job!  I want to be all in. If so, I must fix my eyes on Jesus-my-role-model. Disregard shame. Press on with a “not-my-will-but-Yours, God” mantra. Here’s to the end of shame!

Now, here’s my homework: to write out an anti-shame declaration to
begin training my mind in order to disallow that awful thing from entering. When I write it out, I’ll post it as an addendum to this thought…(I’ll let you know if you’re interested when it’s up.)

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