I completed my “homework.” I am prepared. Next time I try to haul the weight of shame around in a backpack, here is my anti-shame declaration in the form of a prayer.

Jesus, you are the role model I seek to follow in all areas of life. You, who were tempted in every way, just as I , can show me The Way…the door of escape provided, when the enemy of my soul begins to tempt me with shame. I often need that door, and when I am bogged down in that woeful place, hauling luggage unintended for me on this journey, I struggle to even locate it. You’ve given me some direction, some steps to take, to eliminate the weight, pick up my feet, and flee to freedom. The way out is the way in – through my mind. So, I sort through all that I place inside:
What is true? Repent of it.
What is a lie, or a vain imagination? Lose it. Give it up. Let it go. SCORN IT!

The choice is mine – to disregard; make nothing of that which is a mere pretension, a distortion of TRUTH!

I chose to believe:
I am loved.
I am valued by you.
You have a plan for my life: a joy-job to fulfill.
Satan would try to steal that away.
I refuse to allow it under Your power and authority.
To do so, I remind myself:
You are always good; always Sovereign.
You use all things for my good and Your glory – even my mistakes.
You want to use EVERYTHING in my life to conform me to the image of your son.
You are greatly pleased with Your Son.
You are greatly pleased with me – Your child by grace and redemption.
Therefore, instead of letting shame bog me down –
I give thanks in all things that can be used to help me look more like Jesus, and keep me on the journey

Steadfast, and
Compelled to finish that which you have ordained as your perfect will for my life. That plan you will not allow to be thwarted. 

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