Reflecting on the REASON OF THE SEASON over each day of Advent was a great exercise FOR ME. By Christmas Day, my heart was full.  By Christmas Day, I had explored Jesus’ birth through many different lenses. By Christmas Day, I was truly ready to WoRsHiP. The daily diving into the Christmas story was particularly meaningful, since this was the first Christmas, we (as a couple) celebrated the blessed day, truly alone… What a great way to keep perspective of the extraordinary meaning of the Holy-Day! Here comes the exception to this: The act, itself, wasn’t easy – it stretched my small brain! Call me lazy, but I’ll be glad to get back to one thought a week (on Monday), as opposed to one a day!

In typical fashion, at the end of each year, I’ve been pondering the past months. As is usual, I’m setting some goals for 2015. One of the goals I’ve established for my soul-growth, actually sprung out of something I took note of over this holiday season. In the midst of commemorating the greatest miracle of all time, I found my inner JOY ebbing and flowing (note, I’m talking JOY, not happiness). There was a definite “high tide” and “low tide,” as it seemed to rise and fall at random, unexpected times with nothing instigating the change. It has come to my attention, that inwardly (in this arena) I’m extremely inconsistent. With this in mind, my focus, my word-for-the-year, is JOY.

I’m on a new quest; I’m packing my bags with the tools necessary to go on a JOY-Hunt. I’m quite aware it’s not illusive. I am a true believer, it is meant to be had, and to be held, not just as needed, but at all times. I’ve some idea where it is found. I know where I’m starting the journey, and I pretty much believe I can see the destination’s end. It’s just the in-between places, where I’ll stop along the way, that are a bit sketchy. So as of today, this will become a travel-blog, of sorts. Honestly, I can’t wait to see the places I will go in this year. I’ve never been extremely adventurous, but this is an adventure I desire more than any on which I’ve ever been.

The beginning pin has been dropped. Here is where I will start:

You make known to me the ways I should go, the path of life; in your presence is satisfying joy, full delight; at your right hand are perpetual pleasantries! 
Psalm 16:11

I am curious where this journey will lead!

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