On my journey for joy, I’ve been waylaid by Sabbath. The two are intricately connected…joined at the hip, married… In fact, in Buchanan’s book, The Rest of God, he says, “We’re called to sanctify Sabbath, literally to betroth it, to think of it as our bride…to treat it with an extra measure of reverence and to live in it with a higher degree of attentiveness.” In other words, believer, we can’t enjoy one without the other! If anything, this has been a most valuable lesson on this most recent adventure.

Sabbath has been a wonderful place to visit: enjoyable…enlightening…refreshing…RESTFUL! I’ve also discovered right there in the middle of Sabbath Valley, tucked away behind Peaceful River and Green Pastures, a playground to rival Disneyland. It is filled with fun and laughter, and flies in the face of the practical. Sabbath’s play yard has no taskmasters; it is, plain and simple, a place to simply romp (something I haven’t done freely, or without guilt, since, oh, maybe kindergarten). It makes sense that there would be a play ground in Sabbath Valley, since Sabbath’s first Golden Rule is to get out of the everyday rut and move away from the Ought-to of life. Playfulness ensures this Golden Rule is accomplished.
HOWEVER, as I began to explore this fun-zone of restoration, I ran into the UNEXPECTED: a giant. I’ve met this big, ugly oaf before in battle. However, unlike young David, I failed to cut off his head…or perhaps it was a look-alike offspring. I’m not sure. Either way, he knew me, and knew he had me. His name? Not Goliath. No, Fear! Let me explain with an illustration.
It was a gorgeous fall Sunday in Montana. We had just spent a wonderful day worshipping with an unfamiliar body of believers, who quickly became new “family” in Jesus. 
We’d celebrated and enjoyed a meal with real relatives, we hadn’t fellowshipped with in years due to distance. 
We’d rested on a flower-potted-patio overlooking a gorgeous lake with incredible mountain views. There, we’d read for fun, not for learning anything. 
Then, as the sun began to lower, our gracious hosts invited us down to the lake to enjoy the refreshing water in either kayak or wave runner, or both. Without hesitation off we went, me thinking I’d enjoy the fun from the dock. Safe. Not risky. No chance of falling in or falling off. 
Fear began sneaking up behind me. By the time we reached the dock, and a kayak had been pulled out for me to “just try it,” he was beating me up, this big bully. He was winning. I knew it. He knew it. No one else seemed to notice or have my back. 
Into the kayak I went. (Maybe the others did notice, and just refused to let Fear win, for in spite of all my hesitation and all my excuses, they pushed me on…Hmmmm!). A few lessons later, a paddle in hand, my little one-man boat was shoved out into the lake. It was a do or die moment. So, in spite of heart racing, and pounding erratically, and a kazillion “what ifs” running through my brain, I did….and, loved it! With Fear close on my tail, continuing to ridicule me, I simply ignored him, until he finally gave up and went away. Gotta say, I enjoyed every minute. Bay and I floated, and paddled, and enjoyed the beauty, as well as the experience together. By the time we returned to the safety of the dock, Sabbath had her full effect on me. REFRESHED! RESTED! So RENEWED, my soul soared in rejuvenation. 
Some of you fearless players may laugh at my dilemma. Who would have thought that Fear would inhabit any part of Sabbath Valley…or The Lord-of-the Sabbath’s playground? Yet, he does. He will use anything at anytime. Why? Because this big old bully wants to steal away our joy. I never was good on playgrounds. I always played it safe, never took risks, because I was always too afraid of what might happen. My experience with Fear has been all too real, and many times over, he has won. Here’s what I learned that afternoon on a calm mountain lake: Looking Fear in the face, ignoring his threats, disallowing his control over me, awakened something new in me. It awakened a long lost ability to play, to risk imperfection, and ridicule, for JOY’S SAKE. 
…and, I wonder, how many “Sabbath moments” have I missed because I allowed Fear to overcome? I don’t want to do that any more! I want to experience what Jesus promised:
Though “the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that you might have life more abundant (John 10:10)”
I never want to miss one Sabbath moment of pure joy!
P.S. Just to qualify – I’m not talking about “don’t try this at home” type events where only professional stunt men should attempt daredevil acts of defiance. No, I’m not talking about throwing caution to the wind. I’m talking about those ordinary moments that I might miss because of unrealistic, toxic fears that hold me back from experiencing LIFE-to-the-FULL, simply because of Fear. Fear of being hurt. Fear of being imperfect. Fear of being made fun of. Fear that simply paralyzes when I could be set free. It’s God’s invitation to let him indulge us with the gift of fun! After all, “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27)!”

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