We’ve enjoyed a great summer thus far. It certainly isn’t over, not by any means… What makes summer, well, summer, is warm weather; visits from a lot of friends; barbecues; freshly mowed grass;  afternoon rain showers; kids laughing and playing in the yard, running to muddy corals to feed horses (hoping Papa will be there to take them riding); full refrigerators; grand-dogs chasing grand-children; and a lot of hiking (& hunting for who-knows-what-boys-hunt) at the back of our property. We’ve had our own kids home, sprinkled with visits from other “kids” who feel a lot like family, and friends from afar. In between company we flew off to take advantage of some amazing ministry. Yesterday morning, we hugged our good-byes to the last batch that filled our home with JOY (a total of 3 adults and 8 kiddos). As they pulled out of the driveway, I believe I heard my house groan, or was that a sigh? This old homestead felt the weight of a few months of NEGLECT. It did. From somewhere deep inside, I acknowledged its great need, and scrounged up the energy to start paying it some attention. What began as just a routine pick-up, wash-the-sheets-to-get-ready-for-the-next-group, and clean the bathrooms, became a deeper cleaning of time-consuming-effort. Every corner, every cupboard, each nook-and-cranny, got sorted, wiped down, and scrubbed. My cleaning agent of choice is white vinegar with a little squeezed lemon juice. At the end of the day, my house was smiling, and less-burdened. I, on the other hand, collapsed, but felt satisfied. Lesson learned: The satisfaction following the cleansing far out-weighed the energy spent!! I can testify to this truth.

Sometimes our hearts feel the weight of NEGLECT, as well. Sometimes, the hectic lifestyle for which we opt, leaves the home of the Spirit of the Lord a little burdened. While there has been good stuff happening around us, we’ve let the corners, the cupboards, the nooks-and-crannies get dusty, dirty, “cobwebby,”and, oops…dead flies have accumulated along the baseboards. Yuck! Our hearts, like our homes, need a little extra TLC. This kind of spiritual work is hard, and exhausting, but needs to be done regularly. My cleaning agent of choice is confession.

When the word confession runs through my brain, my mind turns to David, the King. What an example he set for true confession. While I may not be a murderer or an adulteress, I have my own issues…and the results are the same as David’s: worn out, used up, mind groaning and stuck in a whirlwind of ridiculous thoughts, heavy-hearted, and dried up (see Psalm 32:3-4). I was there a little over a week ago, stuck and spiritually unhealthy from a bad attitude I thought I deserved to relish and enjoy for a bit. ‘Til I heard myself groaning and sighing, a lot like my house did yesterday. David set the bar for us all who get to that place where we need to open a few cupboards and clean out the mess, or vacuum up some dead bugs in the corners.

I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah! (Psalm 32:5)

The result of David’s confession? Gladness and joy!

Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart! (Psalm 32:11)

David confessed, and the Lord “washed him thoroughly from his iniquity, and cleansed him from his sin!” He was purged, cleansed, washed, and what had been blackened from his transgression was washed whiter than snow. The joy of his salvation was restored. (Psalm 51:2, 7, 8, 12). Not only that, but again and again, he mentions how embraced by God’s love he felt…Sigh!

I grabbed a rag of confession and cleaned up some yucky corners, baseboards, and cupboards in my own heart. After paying a little attention to the house-of-my-soul, I found my joy restored…in a big way. That lightness of spirit that comes following a good house cleaning is definitely satisfying. It does not minimize the hard work, but what a feeling when it’s done!

As Jesus hung on the cross, He spoke few words. The three I love the most? “It is finished!” What was finished? The high cost of shed blood to cover my sin. I often need to go there for a good shower…then I remember, “It’s done!” The red of the blood poured out to cover the blackness of my heart, and when God looks at me, He only sees snowy white! Hallelujah. Embraced by God’s love! It’s something to rejoice in over and over again!

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)!

So, not everything got finished yesterday, this is a big house. Time to tackle the upstairs!!

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