Sometime during the weeks of Lent, I felt a check, an obvious God-led check, to walk away from my blog. The reasons were obvious to me, and I wrote about it in the last article, so no need to recap here, except to say, I was deeply convicted that I’d gotten off track from God’s original road regarding, and had fallen into a pit that was holding me trapped: a huge need for personal validation, upon which my God-given-identity was being skewed (please note, I’m not referring to my self-worth, which is a whole different animal).

This wasn’t something I was giving up for Lent, but the fact that it was the season of preparation for Resurrection, definitely played into the decision. There is an old spiritual exercise called “examen,” which I have been more intentional to add in preparation for Easter’s glorious message. As I looked inward more closely, the truths of my me-problem resonated loud and clear, and I sensed the Lord saying (not singing), “Let it go.”

I did. In obedience, I entered a new season of quiet reflection. It’s been a sweet time with the Lord, and so much has come into focus (by the way, a dear friend had told me this would be so, and she was right). Since the day I made the decision, I’ve discovered a lot of things that have needed tweaking in my soul. Some adjustments are being made, not unlike seeing a chiropractor, physically. It’s hurt at times, but the outcome is beneficial and results in much more energy, spiritually.

This brings us to last Sunday, also known as Pentecost. Not commemorated in most churches, this day is steeped in historical traditions. To the Jewish community, it is the 50 day-celebration-mark following the Exodus, and God writing down the Ten Commandments for Moses on tablets of stone. For the New Testament Church, it is the 50-day-celebration that followed Christ’s resurrection as read in Acts 2. I’d recommend following the link provided and read, again, this familiar story. However, suffice it to say, the disciples of Jesus, following their Savior’s commands, found their “tongues loosed,” and to their surprise, speaking in languages they’d never learned, doing exactly what the Lord had commanded them prior to His ascension:

Make disciples (Mt. 28:18-20)
Be my witnesses (Acts 1:8)

As that sunk in, so did my breath. These passages had been my “missional focus” so very many years ago. Once again, I felt the push of the call. I sensed a compulsion to do what I have been commissioned to do. The Lord re-visited me with the words of my very own mission statement, “to teach the words of the Lord and witness to ‘the mighty works of God’ in my life, whether through hand or mouth.” The result of Sunday morning’s personal time of quiet is a renewed call to pick up the pen, and in the words of Hemingway, “write hard and clear,” especially about “what hurts.”

So, what is the life-lesson here? I’d challenge with this. Have you sought God’s call on your life? Do you know what He’s releasing you to “Go and Do”? And, if so, are you journeying that road with a destination in mind? A destination with guard rails that will keep you on track? A destination with purposeful direction; a direction helps you stay clear of your own personal validation, and results in glorifying God’s mighty works in your life?

If so, then Go…and…Do!

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