A moment of honesty.
My mind is blank.
Normally, it runs in circles like the cars on the Indy 500 racetrack; however, at the moment, it is curiously quiet. Perhaps all the drivers are making pit stops.

It may have to do with the fact that we’ve been on the go for the last week.
Perhaps, because my body is racing around North America, my mind hasn’t quite caught up.

I’ve crossed three time zones.
I’m in another world, where it’s just as common to hear a conversation in French, as it is in English.
Instead of mountains, I’m looking at seashores and rolling farmlands.

Instead of friends I do life in community with, I’m making new friends who feel like they’ve been friends all my life, I just hadn’t met them yet.
We’ve also reconnected with friends we haven’t seen in 25 years…and, it’s as if we’d never had a gap in time and distance.

Truly, I’ve delighted in #operationawspiring…on steroids!
The Lord is AmAzInG!

I’m not complaining.
When my mind is rushing, it’s often hard to funnel the thoughts into something that’s worth writing.
Now, the opposite is true…it’s difficult to find anything to write at all…
I’d opt for a happy balance.
A nice blend of the two.
But, alas, I’ve got nothing…

Instead, I’ll share a few truths that have resonated with me this week (and intersperse the page with pictures I’ve taken from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island).

* “We are a forgetful people, and, I fear, we have become awe amnesiacs.”

* “Forgetfulness is not a minor thing when it comes to God’s grace. It robs us of worship, identity, humility, courage, hope, and (I’ll add) joy.  Thank God He ordained for us to gather (as a community) and remember.”  [It’s why corporate worship is so important…we can learn “awe” better by being connected with other believers.]

* “…familiarity causes me not to treasure the gospel of Jesus Christ as I should. When amazing realities of the gospel quit commanding my attention, my awe, and my worship, other things in my life will capture my attention instead. When I quit celebrating grace, I begin to forget how much I need grace, and when I forget how much I need grace, I quit seeking the rescue and strength that only grace can give. This means I begin to see myself as more righteous, strong, and wise than I actually am, and in so doing, I set myself up for trouble.”

These are not my thoughts. They come from another author, whom I greatly respect, Paul David Tripp, in New Morning Mercies. Here’s the thing I’m thankful for: While my mind is not working at the moment, someone else’s is. When my mind is silent, God’s mind is not. He’s working in the thoughts of others, to connect with the truths I’ve been mulling over myself for several weeks.

The Lord still wants me to keep seeking to understand what it means to fear Him even when my own brain is unable to process

The Lord is still dropping pearls of wisdom into my life to direct my knowledge regarding AWE…especially when it comes to child-like, breathless wonder.

The Lord even gave the worship band (at the church where we spoke last Sunday) the words and the melody to a new song just to remind me of this “adventure” that He and I are on:

More importantly, even when the brain has nothing, the Lord reminded me that He ALWAYS has SOMETHING for me.

And, truly He has driven home the point that I am desperate for Him…bankrupt without Him…and, yes, “thought-less” (literally, not metaphorically) without Him. Not only does every breath come from Him and every heartbeat, but any good thought I’ve ever had…

When the brain has nothing…God’s still engaging with me.  I simply need to keep on keeping on, putting the next step forward, doing the next right thing, staying in His Word, marinating in His truth. Whether rushing about, or stagnant, my mind needs to be filled with TRUTH at all times.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 
What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:8-9

(and as a result)

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”
Lamentations 3:22-24

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