It’s no secret, our country is a mess.
On the morning of November 9th, no one will truly wake up a winner.
We are all polarized and uncomfortable.
We’ve run out of options for ethical/moral/spiritual/exemplary leaders.
The certainty is that uncertainty reigns.
But, I am convinced that there is joy to be found!

This past weekend, I spoke at a women’s retreat held in the mountains of Northern Arizona.
I fell deeply in love with the women who attended.
I was moved at their vulnerability and honesty.
I applauded the church who ushered them into a safe place to be able to share the hurt and struggles of their lives.
As they shared their stories, I wondered, how can my simple message truly help their wounded souls?
But, I was convinced that there was a joy to be found!

It’s the same truth that joy is always found in His presence – NOW & FOREVER.

In the middle of the last night of camp, God woke me with a passage of Scripture ringing in my ears (you know, sometimes the middle of the night is when He has my absolute complete attention). Here was the verse:

God is our refuge and strength, a VERY PRESENT HELP (my emphasis) in times of trouble. 
Ps. 46:1

(P.S. It’s no surprise that in the same Psalm is found the verse: BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD! – verse 10

The Lord reminded me – He is WITH ME always (yes, even to the end of the age).
He is with those who are troubled.
He is with a country which is in trouble.

I’ve been on an awe-search, a quest.
I’ve been paying attention.
I’ve found awe in creation.
I’ve found awe in the middle of worship (the Lord GRIPPED my heart with this identity truth, once again, bringing me to tears: I AM A CHILD OF GOD!!).
I’ve found awe in the teaching words of others.
I’ve found awe in the spiritual battle of life and the truth that my GOD IS GREATER than evil.
I’ve found awe in the testimonies of others as they have shared how God entered their stories and made Himself HEROIC…
Then, in the quiet of the night, I found awe in a simple reminder – HE IS EMMANUEL.
That means joy is ever attainable at all times in all places in all political climates and in every.single.wounded.heart!

So, bear with me. As I sat with this truth, I wrote a Psalm of Awe. It’s nothing more than Scriptures connected together like a string of pearls to make one little bracelet. But, if your heart needs strengthening, read it aloud with gusto!!

For the Lord, the MOST HIGH, is to be AWED,
A Great King over ALL THE EARTH.

Come behold His wonders;
Think on His steadfast love;
Remember His righteous right hand, in which He holds pleasures forevermore.
This is the Lord of Hosts
     and sits over all creation
     never leaving His throne.

This God empowers me;
This God is faithful and true;
This God sings over me with delight;
This God hears my cries and He answers –
     riding on a cherub, coming swiftly on the wings of the wind,
     to bring me into a spacious place.

This God equips and strengthens me for the days ahead (whatever they may hold),This God makes my way blameless,
He stoops down to make me great,
     according to His goodness towards me,
     and for His glory.

For this I bring YOU praise,
and lift up your NAME…HOLY is the LORD.

Bask over the course of this week, and the next several, in the truth of EMMANUEL, your refuge and strength, your very present help…


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