This morning, I posted this meme:

It is hand-in-glove with yesterday’s post, which instead of being Thursday’s Thought, turned into “Wednesday’s Word.” 
I had no intention of writing a blog today…
BUT, then…
I was in the middle of a morning walk, which is where I do most of my preliminary “writing” (in my head, at least), when I felt this grip on my heart.
Fingers of conviction…and a still small voice saying, 
“So do so…” 
Three little words, whispered loudly in my head (I know this is an oxymoron).
It meant, put feet to your thought…or,
Words in your mouth…and, 
So, here’s my new Thursday Thought. In order to fully understand the “why” of this one, you’ll probably need to revisit the last blog-entry. It gives a little backstory. May it springboard your prayer as you begin to pray harder, more earnestly, more specifically as we, the followers of Jesus, are instructed:
Sweet Jesus,

You’ve instructed me to pray for those who are in authority over us as a nation. So, may I not just teach this, then, hypocritically, not do as I say. 

I pray words that are from your Word.
May each of us who claim to be followers of the Way, the Truth, and Life, seek Your face for wisdom and discernment on behalf of those who are in authority over us. May we earnestly beseech You to grant them wise advisors, giving godly input…not for any agenda other than that Your agenda be promoted.

May we lift up the lives of the “king and his family” before your throne daily, as Ezra commanded (6:10).

May we bow low and look High, knowing that you are in control, and submit to those who are in authority over us (Romans 13:1).

Father, give those of us who are followers of Jesus hearts of restoration.
You’ve already made us ambassadors of you…so I ask that we each live as Jesus-with-skin-on to our neighbors.

Give me, give us, hearts that usher in harmony and peace, and to the extent that it depends on me, may I do my part to work toward unity.
I want to live as Jesus did, showering steadfast love, through generous, sacrificial grace, kindness, mercy, and goodness toward “the other”…for Your sake, and Their sake, never for my sake. (2 Corinthians 13:11)

Lord, I pray that we not live out of hearts controlled by fear, but instead look to You the Sovereign King, to lead us. May we all, and may I, remember that when FEAR is driving my thoughts and opinions and responses to situations, it is indication that UNBELIEF is sitting in the passenger seat. So, may I be quick to correct my heart of unbelief.

May I, may we, rejoice always, just as you’ve instructed us. 
No matter what the season of our lives, whether stormy and difficult, or sunshine and peace-filled, may we declare:
“Blessed BE your Name!”

For, I trust not in horses or chariots, or military might, or political president. 
I put my trust in the name of the Lord, 
the Alpha and Omega.
Who holds the world in His hands.

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