The season of Advent is a season of watching.

Be on the alert.
Keep your eyes open.
Be on guard.
Be vigilant.
Give strict attention to the fact that Jesus is coming again…
And that time is nearer than ever.

I’m not a good “watcher.”
I get too antsy.
I have “watched” and “waited” a lot in my life.
Who was it that said that anything worth having is worth waiting for? …or this?

I’m sure it’s true, but, oh my, it’s
In the middle of watching and waiting, it’s hard to convince me it’s worth it…
The only thing that makes watching easier is knowing there is an end…at some point!

Watching is closely connected to WAKE UP!
However, where waking up has a semblance of “looking alive, yet being dead (Revelation 3:1), to “watch” carries with it a connotation that’s military in it’s approach.
Active in it’s anticipation.
Protective in its nature.
Patient in its character.
Hopeful in its assessment.

“WATCH” does not refer to something we wear on our wrists.
We can’t set an alarm so we don’t miss out.
And, while time has something to do with watching,
There isn’t a specific hour we can know.
In fact, no man knows the hour of the Lord’s return.
When He comes, it will catch us off guard – like a thief in the night.

Yet, the Lord assures us that there are signs of His return.
A check list of sorts.

He told us to learn the lesson of the fig tree…

“When the buds become tender
And its leaves begin to sprout,
You know without a doubt
That summer is near.”
(Matthew 24:32)
So, what’s the lesson of the fig tree?

Watch for the signs!

That’s exactly what we should be doing during our current season of Advent.
Watch for the signs.
Look often at the check-list.

What’s on the list?
Many will come in Jesus name, false prophets who will lead people astray.
Many of those will fall away – give up
There will be wars and rumors of wars – one after another.
Tribulations and trials…very difficult times.
Increased lawlessnesss – a transgression of the law due to IGNORANCE.
A prolific amount of scoffers who laugh at God, as well as, Followers of Jesus
Ungrateful and entitled

When you see these things, “summer is close at hand.”
It will make the watching, so much easier – you know the promise is around the corner.
Excitement is unquenchable.
Steadfastness is easier.
Hope is assured.

Your Savior is close at hand…
Your Advent is NEAR!

What do we do during Advent?

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