The women on my dad’s side of the family have left me quite a legacy of long-life. My dear grandma-Floy passed away at the young age of 103. My Aunt Frannie is currently 102, and only in about the past six months has she taken a decline in health. Until then, she was still active at church (walked to church EVERY SUNDAY, in spite of the fact that her eyesight was failing), “reading” books on a computer where she could enlarge her print, and busied herself in her outside garden. I think she determined early-on not to get out-lived by her mother.

I’ve got good genes. Not saying I will even make it to 100, but what if? That’s the question that I’ve been pondering. If so…what kind of woman do I want to be in my old age (ziqna) and gray hairs (seba)?  By the way, I have plenty of “seba” and I pay dearly to keep the surface looking a little fresher. Thanks to my sweet Kenzie for helping me do that…believe me my hair dresser knows the truth!

When we’re young, we don’t have time to think about what old age looks like. It’s out there, as in a galaxy far, far away. This minute is all we have time to see, and that minute is so jam-packed with caring for others, and keeping our heads above water financially, and trying to create a life “out-there,” that it’s easy to put-off tomorrow.

I thought about tomorrow in those days….
I surely did.
Then, like a lot of futuristic ideas, I would simply shrug my shoulders and think to myself, “Tomorrow is another day!” Of course, I’d say it with all the dramatic flair of Scarlett O’Hara after Rhett Butler walked out and slammed the door.

Well, tomorrow is here. Now is the time. Although, a few yesterday’s ago would probably have been better. However, when I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, didn’t quite feel the energy-level-I’d-come-to-expect, I, then, wondered, “What is wrong with me?” That’s when the light bulb came on…I’m getting old. Ziqna. That was Christmas Day.

Then, I found King David’s prayer that I ended with last week. It spoke my heart-language. God do not leave me in my old age. You’ve been with me since I was young. You’ve taught me so much. I continue to teach others those things you taught me. And, I speak of how you’ve acted on my behalf time and time again. But God….there is another generation that needs to hear words of your might, the truth of your power. I want to get to be the one to proclaim it!! Even to my old age and gray hair. AMEN!! So be it.

Here’s what I’m reminded of, and, I believe that King David knew this same truth as he prayed those words.

God has a purpose for each of us. It’s why we’re here on earth.

That purpose is intended to be a reflection of His glory.

Even to our ziqna and seba, He’s wanting to use us.

Just because the energy level doesn’t meet expectations…

Just because there are aches and pains…

He’s not looking for us to give up, stop, sit in a chair and wait for death to claim us.

His hope is for whole-hearted living…not half-hearted effort.

David knew it. Even to his old age and gray hairs, he wanted to be about the Father’s business.

It’s why God applauded David’s whole-heartedness.

It’s why the Lord gloried in David being a man after HIS HEART.

Here’s what the WORD says about David. May this be on my tombstone some day (just please change the name first)…

“For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid with his fathers…”
Acts 13:36.

So, that’s the kind of woman I want to be in my ziqna and seba…

giving myself
in my generation
for the next to come.

It helps to know we still have purpose, a reason to get up and keep moving. A reason to stay healthy. A reason to be steadfast…immovable…unshaken.

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