Tomorrow I leave for a week long trip to Cuba (that means I’m writing this blog about four days early, and hope to post it once there, as normal).
I’m excited.
I love the island.

I love the people.

I love sharing Jesus.

It’s been a part of God’s dream for my life over the last several years…
…and I can’t wait to see what unfolds over the course of this trip!
God always shows up in BIG WAYS!!
I believe He will again, because we’ve asked Him to do so.
That’s just the kind of God He is…

It’s a lot of work to prepare for a Cuba trip.
We have to start early…as in about 8 months in advance.
Paperwork has to be filed.
Applications for visas must be turned into Havana for approval.
A team has to be hand-picked (last year’s team, with our contact, Jimmy and his family).

Letters have to be written.
Information has to be gathered and passed on to those who need-to-know.
Plans have to be made.
Dates have to be picked.
Money has to be raised.
Prayers, well, they need to be raised, as well.
What I’m trying to say is there is a process to follow that ultimate gets us to Cuba…a road map (of sorts) to follow.

We don’t just blink…and twitch our nose…and (voila!) we arrive.
Don’t I wish!!!!!!!!

This, I know, as I look to the future (my ziqna and seba), based on past trips to Cuba (well, the analogy works with any trip):

…to get to my destination, I must attend to important preparations…

Checking off some of the details as we plan for a trip can be fun, but most of those “to do’s” are not fun at all; they are simply “work.” Intentional. Purposeful. Well-planned, but monotonous and, often, frustrating work (like standing in long lines to wire money, only to find out you don’t have all the information you need, and have to come back to stand in long lines again). Sometimes, it’s just hard to be motivated. Plain and simple! But, if I’m going…well, I gotta get ‘er done!

A favorite “Andy Stanley-ism” of mine is this:

But, the bottom line is that to accomplish a goal means I must be ready.
At all times.
And, I have to plan ahead;
Be a good Boy Scout (even though I’m a girl) and follow their motto: be prepared!

I’d prefer to do the blinking, twitching thing, but that’s not how life works………………………..EVER!

So, once I realized that God has a plan for me, even as the number of years I’ve had my being on this spinning ball increases (and, once I took note that He was still in the business of “dreaming big dreams” for me), it dawned on me, that I better be ready. When He calls, I don’t want to say, “I’m sorry, I’m really too tired and worn out to do what you’ve asked.” I want as much energy as I can muster. I’d like to be spiritually established, and, to be “ready in season and out” to share truth when He says “Go, I have a job for you to do.”

That’s when I started realizing, I needed an all encompassing “to do” list, just like the one I have for Cuba, but for “ziqna and seba.” I needed an “old-age-to-do-list.” One that will have my “spirit, soul, and body” ready (meaning my entire-self). That’s when I began to pray this verse:

I want the Lord, the God of peace, to set me apart for His use. 
In order to so, I need a spirit, soul and body that’s being “kept blameless.” 
That means without fault. 
Can you imagine? 
A faultless body? An impeccable thought-life? A will that is without rebellion? Emotions that are processed in a healthy fashion? A spirit that is spotless? A life that’s spick-and-span, free from any stain? 
To keep myself blameless, means I’m guarding my entire-self well, being a good steward of it…
Sound impossible?
Huh, it’s not. Not with God.
He who calls you is faithful…He will do it!
(It doesn’t even say, He will help YOU do it!)
He does the work in us…
In the meantime…Here’s what I do, I create margin in my life for this:
I’m going to start the discipline and the prioritizing.
I’ll let you know what that looks like (I just have to find out first, though I think I have a few clues)…and, you probably have some, as well.

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