Lent Day 14.

As I wind down a week of focus on fasting as a part of the #lentenjourney…I ran across another blog through the wonderful world of web-surfing. It was another invitation to join a Journey Through Lent. The author’s words were practical, succinct, and better phrased than mine have been. Here is one take away from her writings:

Lent isn’t so much about what you give up; rather, it is about what will grow in its place.

I meditated on this some little bit.
There’s truth to that statement.

It still indicates that there is a fast… This is still true.

Yet, that fast is to make room in my heart for something more.

That “something more” for me has become:
** A restoration of my “first love” to His rightful place in my heart

** A revelation of my true spiritual condition

** A richer, deeper prayer life

** A revival of the Word of God within me for the purpose of spiritual transformation

(Rom 12.2)

** A re-set of some spiritual disciplines, which always create space for more of the Lord’s Presence, and therefore, JOY within me.

Here is the end of the road as I receive the concept of fasting on this #lentenjourney:

Doing without definitely deepens what should be within!

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