My mouth!

It is an age old problem.

I find myself often relating to Psalm 39, which is a prayer of David.

It seems he was determined to guard his mouth…
He didn’t want to sin with his tongue.

There is a lot of WILL in that passage.
” I WILL guard my words.”
“I WILL protect my mouth as if it had a muzzle on it.”
“I WILL hold my peace.”
“I WILL be mute.”
“I WILL stay silent.”

But, WILL is only a word…unless there are actions to follow.

The more David tried, the more his distress grew.
The hotter his heart became.
The more he mused to himself.
Then…………………………………………..He spoke!
As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it.
You can tell this is so from his writings.
I appreciate his honesty.

My need-to-speak-distress often gets me in trouble, whether it has just rolled off the tongue, or out the fingers.
I could use David’s muzzle.

Instead, I get his example…
…and, his thoughts on the matter.

David specifically uses the word “transgression.”
Another word often translated from this Hebrew word is “rebellion.”
In other words, David knew better.
I do, too.
He knew that there are times when he should be silent.
I know that, too.
Then, a big “but” gets in the way… “But, it just feels so good to release that pressure valve and let the tongue loose…”
That gets in my way, as well.
When I satisfy self, instead of doing what I know is right…that is rebellion.

As soon as that truth rumbled around in my brain, I remembered:

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as bad as worshipping idols.
1 Samuel 15:23

Um…’s high time to eliminate the witch from my mouth…

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