I was asked the other day (following a discussion on the reliability of Scripture, the need for knowing, searching, hiding, and living the Word-of-the-Lord), this question:

Do you worship the Bible, or do you worship the God of the Bible?

Perhaps, because I daily see my need for the Truth in such great measure, am passionate to know it, hunger for it, I may come across as if I have enthroned the Word in my heart, instead of the Author who breathed it into existence. The asker of the question wasn’t being rude, and I didn’t take it that way, it was more of a tease…BUT,

The question certainly caused me pause; and, it’s always good to take an audit of one’s soul.

My answer:

Without the God of the Bible there is no Bible. He is who I worship, because I see Him on every page…

Good answer, I thought.

Yet as I thought it, I heard a question mark at the end of my sentence.

Is that true?

Each Word of our Bibles is God-breathed.


For teaching.

For reproof

For correcting.

For training in Righteousness.

Every word we read is the Artists paint brush across a canvas – each stroke uncovering for us the story of God…the Elohim…our 3-D-God: the Father, the Son, the Spirit.

My response is a good hermeneutical response.

Yet, truth is that most times I think I approach my quiet time, my daily readings, my Bible Study and research, as a way to find out more about me, than about Him.

I look for next steps.

I look for what I think the Lord wants me to know about Life-Topics, so I live life well.

I read for wisdom’s sake, not necessarily for God’s sake…

…and, while 2 Timothy 3:16 and Joshua 1:8 are outcomes of our study, the initial in-come of the Word should be seeking the Face of God.

When I see Him unveiled, I see my next steps, how to live life well, what is wise…because He is the one I imitate my life after.

The question was a good one, albeit a bit semantical; yet, a reminder to first look for the
I AM…before I look for “i-am-stuff”… then there is no question as to which one is on the throne of my heart.

So, for whatever it’s worth, it’s worth perusing the question…and evaluating:

What or who do you seek as you approach Scripture?

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