Last week, as we pulled out a small, but important, piece of the hope puzzle, we looked at a very simple lesson.

Like manna on the ground in the freshness of the early morning for the sustaining of physical life, metaphorical “manna” (God’s Word) is equally as essential for the sustaining of hope in our spiritual lives.

Yes, it’s best gathered daily.

And, truly, the earlier we gather it, the better.

Over the years, I’ve discovered, when my routine is out of sync, so goes the rest of my day.

Picking up God’s measure of manna for my day, along with a cup of coffee, is THE WAY for me to make certain my day begins fully fueled.

Now, while the Word of the Lord is all God-breathed….and useful…not all of it is as beneficial to the building up of my hope.

Does that seem heretical?

Don’t get me wrong. You can’t “miss” when it comes to filling your mind with TRUTH. There is no right; no wrong.

However, to discover the hope that helps us persevere when life is hard, stream-lining exactly where we focus our minds will make our time in the word much more effective.

This week’s thought runs along this line.

The point I’d like you to ponder is simple.

I’ve reflected on it for a couple of weeks, at least.

Remembering the lessons I’d learned on JOY, when I dug deep into the “what’s and wherefore’s” a couple of years ago, it was clear that there was One-Way to fill our joy-cup. We found JOY when we spent time in the Presence of the Lord. It couldn’t have been clearer in Scripture: “…in Your presence is fulness of joy (Ps 16:11b).”

However, nothing in Scripture has been so straight-forward where hope is concerned.

It’s obvious, we need God’s Word; but, just any Word?


Hope is our most needed spiritual commodity, when life is tough. 
When the hard is so difficult that processing what is happening leaves us in a place of STUCK, we desperately want HOPE. 

What I need at times like that, isn’t just platitudes.

Nor do I want just any old precept.

What I need is the assurance of a promise. 

I need to hear the words from a  Faithful God, who says what He will work, on my behalf, right there in the midst of my issues.

Because I trust Him, I trust His promise (when others don’t, He ALWAYS keeps His Word!)…

Because I trust His promise, I am HOPE-FULL!

I can not separate my hope from the promises of Scripture. 

Neither can you.

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