Ultimate LOVE!
What a price was paid to prove both!!!!!

Frankly, the world doesn’t feel very hope-full anymore. 

The world doesn’t feel truly loved-much anymore, either.
Two weeks ago, I asked people who were willing to participate to give me their favorite promises found in Scripture. I received some great public answers…and several private messages where friends were encouraged and found themselves looking at life with a much more positive perspective. 
So, this blog is to remember, first, today, just how the cross of Christ on Good Friday spoke LOVE AND HOPE to our souls. And, over the course of the next week or two, I’ll promote God’s promises, one day at a time through social media…and may we find ourselves course correcting from a downward-spiral of questioning “what is happening to our world?”

There are a plethora of promises to start lifting us up.

Here are just a few of my favorites for this Easter weekend…
I.  God loves me. Nothing I will do makes Him love me any more or any less.

II.  I will never be separated from God’s love…

III.  His perfect love casts out all my fear…and He promises to give me a “sound mind.” 

IV.  His perfect love quiets my heart…He is in my midst…He is mighty to save…and He dances over me with delight…

V.  His plans for me are perfect – all designed for my good, and those plans will not be thwarted…
As we move toward Easter’s Resurrection-Celebration this weekend, let the truths of these promises become the “lifter of your head…”

These are great truths to preach to your soul!!

Have a marvelous day of reflection on the GREATEST LOVE offered to mankind, and the GREATEST PROMISE of salvation and eternal life.
May the Lord fill you up and grant you the most blessed Easter!

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