Review: Since January, I’ve been studying HOPE, which has had me traveling several winding roads. At this juncture, the book of Esther is my focus for unearthing hope when God seems most distant.

I ended last week with this thought:

Truth is that the bigger the difficulty in my life, the more I need God’s direction; the harder my situation, the more I need to meet it head on with hard-sacrifice. 

This was Esther’s story. She NEEDED a plan…a way forward… She NEEDED grace (in a HUGE way). Yet, for the life of her, the Lord seemed significantly SILENT.
He always does when we are in pain.
So, we need our heart to align with what our head should know is TRUTH:
We also need to pivot from one way of thinking to another…from whine to solid assurance.
When we start to make this mental shift, the following happens:

1. We discover an ability to reconcile ourselves with our problems…

2. Reconciliation allows us to see the light at the end of the tunnel…a light we call HOPE!

The answer, as we learn from Esther’s story, is prayer and fasting.

Fasting was pivotal for Esther. With a three day fast, Esther found deep inside, three things she probably didn’t know she possessed:


Conviction (laced with wisdom from above)


Yes, these are three character traits we all need when life is out of control, and there seem to be no answers on hand.

Esther discovered they were untapped resources until she fasted…

Like Esther, I’ve been there.

I’ve needed the critical-three (and, it’s been more than once in my life).

Like Esther, I’ve engaged in seasons of prayer and fasting (hence referred to as P & F).

Granted, it hasn’t been easy, but in light of the problems that loomed, it wasn’t difficult.

What I NEEDED was greater than what I LACKED.

The sacrifice was worth it…for the result.

Sacrifice in the now is always worth what is gained in the then.

Granted, it doesn’t change the trial.

At the end of my fast, the problem was still ever-present and looming large.

What had changed was what was in me.

As I went back and reflected (journals really are wonderful tools), these were the practical benefits I had taken note of:

P & F created space for God to move in my heart. Someone had told me “God is a filler, not a forcer.” He will not ever force Himself on us, but He does long to fill us when we seek Him.

P & F reminded me of how big my God IS (present tense)… Sometimes we just simply forget that God isn’t who we think He is; He is so much bigger! As a result, P & F eliminates my Spiritual Amnesia. The size of my suffering reduces significantly in His Presence. The ability of His POWER is revitalized.

P & F revealed just how many idols warred for the throne of my heart… All kinds of impurities rise like dross to the surface of my heart. Fasting has a way of revealing all the junk I’ve shoved into the back of the closet of my soul. As it resurfaces, I get an opportunity to deal with it…confess it…make it right before the Lord.

P & F put me on the same page as the Lord. I found this quote written in my journal, though I didn’t write down who said it (so, if it’s someone who reads this, please claim it):

One reason… it (P & F) is so that it activates a chain reaction where we see God’s kingdom manifest on earth. This sequence is what I call agreement, or ‘alignment assignment.’

This is HUGE… Do you see what is being said here? When we come into agreement with God, we are aligned with His perfect will on earth, just as it already is in heaven. In Esther’s case, God was able to use a common Jewish girl (who had been stripped away from her homeland into captivity: seemingly unqualified, fearful, doubtful, questioning) in ways she never thought possible.

When we find our assignment, as we align with God’s will for us on earth, we find the purpose God created us to fulfill…AND, in that He is most glorified!

Alignment assignment – I LOVE THAT PHRASE!

P & F moves me, then, into the place of Romans 12:1-2.  In this place, I faced a solemn moment of intentionality, placing myself whole-heartedly under the mighty hand of God.

Here, our lives become all about Jesus; less about us. Just the way it is intended to be.

Each of those highlighted points dispense a GREATER, DEEPER HOPE for the heart. However, when I find my “alignment assignment,” it SOARS!

Nothing dispenses more hope than ascertaining a purpose in the midst of difficulty.

Finding a possible reason for the “stuff” we are going through often produces more STEADFASTNESS in hope.

 BUT THERE’S STILL SOMETHING BIGGER & MORE WONDERFUL (at least I think so)…and, oh, my…if we learn to leverage it as we pray and fast, well….That’s for next week… (smile)

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