I recently read the passage above as translated in the New International Version of the Bible, and halted at the word “fitting.”

Then, I looked at the same verse in the New Living Translation. There it reads:

Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord;
it is fitting for the pure of heart to praise him.

Loosely translated (a Peggy-Paraphrase) is this:

Those who follow hard after the Lord always have a reason to praise Him…
…and, every Hallelujah is tailor made to be a perfect fit!
(yes, I know, I’m always a bit wordy in my translations…thank you for not pointing it out)

If you are female and reading this post, I bet you know the direction I’m headed.

As I age, the clothes in my closet are taking different shapes.

I’m certain it’s the clothes!

Can’t be me.

I’m the same size I was in high school (however, I will not be taking out a tape measure to prove it).
My word is good enough.

So, I’m constantly asking my husband questions like, “Does this fit right?” “I’m thinking this shrunk, and now it makes me look fat, what do you think (BTW, there isn’t a right answer to this question)?” “Can I go out in public with this on?”

I want to know if what I’m wearing is “fitting,” or not.

I need my own “What Not to Wear” personal consultant.

I fired my husband from said job.

Psalm 33:1b tells me there is something I can wear that is ALWAYS FITTING.

It’s tailor-made just for me.

The word is PRAISE (to adore, give thanks, boast about); and, the direction for it is to the Lord.

Truth is that our souls are hard-wired to do one thing or the other: complain or praise.

If I’m not in a spirit of praise, then I’m complaining.

There really is no neutral ground.

I’m either in an attitude of gratitude, or my heart is grumbling.

We grumble, because we are forgetful people.

We forget “all the Lord’s benefits.”

That’s what the Easter season does for me.

Leading up to Resurrection Sunday, I am reminded of why I so desperately NEED MY JESUS!

I am reminded of my sinful nature, and how He has taken my sin and forgiven them…wiped the slate clean (see the rest of Psalm 103)!

I am reminded of how He redeemed my life from a pit, and crowned me with steadfast love and mercy.

I have opportunity to reflect more intentionally on how He satisfies my life with good things…

But, I realize I need to do this DAILY, all year.

This is the overarching lesson I walked away with from the set-apart-days-of-Lent: Enter His gates with Thanksgiving; but to enter, we must first remember!

I’m simply to prone to complaint.

Like looking in a mirror and walking away only to forget what I just saw;
the benefits of the Lord are quite similar.

I need to look harder… Look longer… Look more deeply… Look with more purposefully…

And, be astonished.

Walk away in amazement.

Then remember and raise a hallelujah throughout the day!

Recently, I posted this quote from Pastor Tim Keller on social media:

That says something, doesn’t it?

Certainly, I like the idea of inner health…

…and, praise, according to Keller (who backs this statement with Scripture after Scripture) says it is the pathway to get there:
Peace of heart
Peace of mind
Peace of soul
….even, Bravery

Keller goes on to say this:

Worry and fear come because I forget what the Lord has accomplished for me in Jesus Christ — 
Remind me,
Remind me,
and then I can truly REST in YOU.

This morning, as I put this blog to bed, Paul David Tripp had a Twitter message to concur:

If you’re God’s child,
your life is in the hands of a Father
who is completely perfect,
You can rest,
without fear,
in His care!

It’s a garment we can wear every day and will not wear out.
It’s a garment that’s perfect for any journey to peace and wholeness…
It’s a garment that is FITTING!


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