(The pictures sprinkled throughout this blog are places I’ve found myself “seated” over the last few months…Think about where you’ve been seated.)

In June, Bay and I traveled to Uganda for some wonderful ministry opportunities.

On the flights over, we experienced a “trip-from-down-under” with numerous problems, delays, cancellations, a missed flight (even though it was still sitting at the gate when we got to the counter), and a few bumpy spots over some air currents that wanted us to know they were PRESENT…and, as is common when I travel with Bay, I always take the middle seat, which means I’m generally, somewhat squished upon arrival.

The trip could have been worse.

I really had no reason to complain.

The way home, however, was a totally different story.

Swiss Air upgraded us to first class.

(seated in first class on Swiss Air)

Not on just one leg of our flight, but two.

Not because we whined.

Not because we paid.

Not because we did anything to deserve it.

Simply, just because…

It was GRACE (well, grace, and the fact that Bay and I are both Star Alliance Premier Gold Members – but ignore this piece of information)!

(my view from heavenly places)

It’s not like I hadn’t been upgraded before.

I have.

All the way from Durango, CO to Denver, CO.

The benefits are slim.

I am offered a drink of choice prior to take off.

Listen, being seated in first class on an international flight is a totally different story.

(on a ministry van…minus our translators)

It begins with a gift bag filled with goodies, including a tooth-brush, toothpaste, gel-filled-eye-pillows, mints, slippers, lip balm, aromatherapy…all in a fancy little leather travel bag.

There’s elbow room….I can move my elbows without putting them in someone else’s side!

There’s extra leg room…and the ability to lay my seat all the way down into a bed to sleep in the prone position, even with room to curl up on my side!

The meals were hot, healthy, and yummy…and served on china, with crystal, real silverware, and cloth napkins…

The restrooms were cleaner, because only those in first class cabins can use them.

My personal TV/Movie Screen actually worked, as did my USB ports for charging my phone and iPad.

(seated in the national forest above our home on my birthday)

In front of me was a well furnished mini-bar where I could get a drink, cookies, fruit, snacks, and chocolates at any time during the flight.

Then, on landing, each first class passenger received ANOTHER gift bag with a big box of Swiss Chocolates.

Being seated in first class is THE BEST!

Being seated there made me feel “different” —- “special.”

I arrived rested and ready to go; but, as we deplaned, Bay leaned close and whispered, “Don’t get used to this…”

Bubble popped.

I couldn’t count on having a seat in first class in the near future, or, probably any future.


As I’ve meditated on Ephesians 2:5b-7 throughout this week; being seated in first class was the closest thing I could compare to being seated with Christ, in Christ.

Life before Jesus was a lot like the trip to Uganda.

I was on a “trip-from-down-under,” and headed directly to that very place.

The journey I was taking was miserable, uncertain, dissatisfying, disheartening, and at times, downright painful.

A friend noticed.

Friends do.

This friend had an answer, and held in her possession, a free upgrade.

I didn’t whine to get it.

I didn’t pay for it.

I couldn’t do enough, give money enough, pray enough, serve enough, go to church enough to earn the ticket.

(seated on a boat on the Sea of Galilee)

She offered me the gift of Jesus; and, I readily accepted the gift.

His entrance to my life was grace-charged! NOTHING MORE!

I gave my life to Jesus, and when I did, my seat was “upgraded.”

I now sat in a new seat; and, I was seated at the same table as King-Jesus.

Life’s journey took a whole new change for the better.

Seated with Christ at the King-Table, I now had peace that was unexplainable; my heart was full — full of joy, satisfaction, certainty…and I knew that I was a new creation without anyone even telling me.

I instantly ticked off the benefits.

(seated at a table overlooking Lake Victoria)

From one minute to the next, as I took my seat in the heavenlies, I felt different…special…included.

And, I’ve been seated there ever since.

My position can’t be taken away.


Transition with me from a seat on an airplane, to another seat at another table.

This story is found in 2 Samuel 9 (verses 1-13).

The table belongs to King David.

David has taken the seat of King Saul.

Rightfully, the seat should have stayed in the lineage of Saul, but upon the death of the King, and his son, Jonathan (David’s dearest friend), the seat at the King-Table fell into David’s lap.

(seated on my paddle board in the middle of Echo Lake – listening for whispers from Jesus)

David didn’t earn his seat at the table, but by grace it was given to him.

Grace, and a seat at a table we don’t deserve, changes the way we see and do things.

Instead of wiping out the memory of King Saul, who had made life miserable for David for years, David chose to extend similar grace.

He called for one of Saul’s former servants, and asked if there was anyone in Saul’s line who remained alive.

Ziba, the servant, accounted for just one.


(seated on an olive press, Israel)

Son of Jonathan.


Lame in both feet, when under a nurse’s care, he fell as they fled David’s army after the news of Saul and Jonathan reached them.

When David received the crown, Mephibosheth settled in Lo-debar.

Lo-debar, the place of nothingness.

The place where God does not speak.

Lo-debar. The place where God is absent (rather similar to the “place-from-down-under….”)

Mephibosheth dwelt in a city that signified all he had lost under the new King.

(seated at a ministry table awaiting my turn to speak)


…Not unlike God in this instance…

Invited the undeserving to the King-Table.


Now seated at the King-Table, all that was within David’s power came to Mephibosheth.

Though fatherless, Mephibosheth sat as family at the King-Table.

So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table, like one of the king’s sons.
2 Samuel 9:11b

The Benefits?
Land restored.
Servants restored.
Position granted.
Authority granted.
Riches returned.

(seated on the Southern Steps, Temple Mount in Israel)

Mephibosheth sat in a place of honor.

So do I.

So do you, if Jesus is your Savior!

It’s a done deal.

It’s forever.

(No bubble popped.)


being at the King-Table changes how we do things here on earth…

(seated on a bench awaiting my next ministry meeting in PA)

We become grace-givers.

We invite others to the upgrade.

Just like my friend.

Once received, it can’t be taken away.

And David said to Mephibosheth, “Do not fear, for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father, and you shall eat at my table always.”
2 Samuel 9:7

(seated in prayer in Bayamo, Cuba)

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