As already mentioned, loss of control is the #1 reason many of us are prone to fear.

Any guesses what #2 is?

I’ve alluded to it a couple of times…..


When I first shared this thought, I talked about running out of cans of mulberries on the grocery shelves in Kenya.

That led to hoarding of other things…just in case.

You’ll find that thought, here:  Mulberries, Fear of Scarcity, and #bebrave.

I’d like to put a little different spin on that blogpost.

It’s still worth evaluating, however, because the “fear of scarcity” tells me that my heart is judging God; and, that my fear points a finger in His Almighty Face and says, “You are a God of not-enough!”

We would NEVER say that aloud, but it is what our actions often show…Our fears are tattle-tales!

Truth is He is a GOD-OF-SO-MUCH-MORE!!!

In fact, He is a God who fills life to the full AND overflowing, as we rest in Him. 
The problem lies in our scarcity-mindset.
On Day 7, I mentioned the problem with toilet paper that we have faced during the pandemic.
It became a real issue almost everywhere around the US…and the memes created were pretty hilarious.
For those who needed t.p. and couldn’t find any – the lack held no humor.
My mom, who lost both her parents at the young age of six, was raised by two cousins who loved her dearly and spoiled her rotten.
These two sweet gals were depression-era to-the-core.
Oh, the stories we’ve all read of that time period —
—The John Steinbeck, Grapes-of-Wrath scenarios abound.
(a recognizable photo from the Depression Era)
The world lacked in almost EVERYTHING.
For my sweet grandmotherly “aunts” (I didn’t know what to call them, so just called them by name…), the scarcity of toilet paper, Kleenex, and paper towels must have overwhelmed them.
Every time they went to a store, they picked up paper products.
They filled their garage shelves with these items.
When they passed, and their home sold, so went “the supply…” 
As a kid, I always chuckled at the sight in the garage….mostly, because I didn’t understand what they’d experienced.
Now, we all have a little taste…
So, when we find ourselves with the Fear of Scarcity looming largely in our heads and hearts, what is the Biblical response?
Remember the Manna-Principle. 
At least, I try to do so…
We all know the story:
The Israelites had escaped bondage in Egypt. God brought them out and was taking them to a new land, and miracle after miracle, led them into the fulness of their freedom. BUT, they ran out of provisions, were hungry, tired, and in the middle of the wilderness.
It was a perfect storm for giants of fear, worry, anxiety, and discouragement to wander into their camp.
The “What-Ifs” taunted them at every turn.
Moses took the brunt of their blame for the problem at hand.
He heard their grumbling.
He brought them something-like-bread each morning and meat each night.
He wanted them to see His glory…
…to follow Him explicitly.
They were to only collect what they needed for their “daily bread” (except on the sixth day they collected double so as to not break Sabbath).
If they were greedy and tried to take more than what they needed, they found it stinking and filled with worms.
Until the manna, it felt like God had forsaken them.
But God’s sustaining GRACE was always present to meet the day’s need.

One! Day! at! a Time! 
Manna and meat may not be what we need today….but, we will always need His Presence and Sustaining Grace.
The truth is that even though bad things happen to good people, for those who love the Lord, God will reveal to them both His Presence and Grace in the middle of the trial.
It will be ENOUGH.
Always ENOUGH for the day.

I’ve seen it.
I’ve experienced it.

And, if I try to pick up “manna” for tomorrow….

…well, sadly, it only turns to stink and worms.

I cannot borrow grace today for tomorrow’s problems…

But, I do know this…and am CONVINCED…

…when tomorrow’s problems come, I will have exactly the grace I need. 
And…The Lord will be with me.

What more could I need as I step into my own #bebrave…???

Our God is God-of-Enough….

And, as we start counting what we have for today, with GRATITUDE, we’ll start seeing a new reality: not only is He a God-of-Enough, He has been the God-of-So-Much-More!

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