“Do not be discouraged…”

These were God-Words to Joshua when Moses died.

These were God-Words to the Israelites through Isaiah.

They were God-Words to the masses on a hillside through God’s Son.

They were His Words to a young man named Timothy through the Apostle Paul…then passed on to us through the Apostle Peter…and, even the-disciple-Jesus-loved, John, spoke them…

Lord knows all, and He knew the men He chose to be Kingdom-leaders would need these four crucial words: DO NOT LOSE HEART!

God’s sheep, His people, have a propensity toward





They are known to be

lovers of pleasure

lovers of self

lovers of money








Oh, they may have the appearance of godliness,


they abnegate the power of faith.

They may be life-long-learners seeking TRUTH,


they never arrive at KNOWLEDGE.*

“Do not be discouraged.”

Don’t let your mind become divided.

Hold fast to what you have!

Remember the faith into which you came to salvation.

Fan into flame the spiritual gift placed within you.

Guard the good deposit of the WORD OF GOD taught to you…

…meditate on it DAY AND NIGHT…

…it has been God-breathed…

…and is profitable for equipping for EVERY GOOD WORK.

“Do not be discouraged.”

The time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound teaching.

They will wander off into myths, and interesting fables…lies wrapped in pretty packages, tied with colorful, glittery bows.


pursue righteousness

stick to the sacred writings

be set apart for honorable use….

for you are holy…God’s chosen, peculiar people.

Do not be quarrelsome…

Ignore ignorant controversies….

rather teach with gentleness and patience…

be kind to all…

and maybe some will be led to repentance and a sincere knowledge of the truth…

escaping the snare of the enemy.

“Do not be discouraged.”

*2 Timothy 3:1-5

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