I truly dislike it when I have a blog written, all wrapped up, tied with a bow, ready to post, and THEN…I stop and read the thing for the 10,000th time, and it’s JUST NOT what I wanted to say.

My heart’s not in it, even though a lot of my head is there.

The passion is absent, even though I’ve covered all the facts. 

I looked at it.

Hated it.

Then, at the 11th hour, I started again.

Here’s the 11:30th (metaphorically, not literally) version.


A week or so ago, a “FB friend” (you know what that means, right? it’s a loosely coined phrase) posted a meme.

It was controversial, to say the least, regarding a topic that is dear to my heart, but with an opposite perspective.

I shook my head, and rubbed my eyes, hoping that when I re-opened and re-focused, I’d been mistaken.

I wasn’t.

I didn’t comment.

However, I looked at the thread.

Why? I don’t know.

Curiosity got the best of me.

And sometimes, it’s curiosity that kills the cat, you know.

The cat, in this case, happened to be the joyful attitude I had woken up with that morning.


Entirely deflated.

I was shocked by the comments that followed this meme.

Shocked that some people actually believed what they were writing.

And, the few who stood up for the position I am deeply convicted about were blasted! 

Oh, the vitriol!

Oh, the hate!

Oh, the venom!

It spewed out of my computer screen. 

Ran down the desk and onto my shoes.

I actually believe my walking shoes may, now, have holes in them, as the responses were so toxic!


Even more sad is that each person was attempting to state the Lord’s position on the matter.

Most (I can’t speak for all), claimed themselves “Christian.”

Based on what I’ve been learning as I’m digging into 2 Timothy, I had no doubt what Paul would say about this matter. 

First, he’d say, 

“Remember you are influencers! How you influence matters.”

We are all influencers. Teachers. 

It’ reminds me of the statement made years ago by a former NBA player who was living LARGE, and, honestly, with little to no morality: “I am NOT,” he pronounced, “a role model. Parents need to step up and take that responsibility.” 

Of course, parents are the primary influencers of a child’s life; but, so was he.

That responsibility is part of the NBA package of “getting to live in the limelight.”

All of us, to some degree, are influencing and teaching throughout life.

As the Spirit of God breathed out words on parchment for Paul to write to one man, which turned into countless young men and women of faith, He left us instructions for being the best influencers.

Here are a few:

1. Know the word. Handle it accurately. 

Seriously, people! Before we speak, or form an opinion, or spew venom, WHAT DOES GOD SAY?

Dig in.


Gain wisdom (in the sense of wisdom as a verb, not a noun, living out TRUTH).

We have a need to know for responsibility’s sake…

…because we are walking Scripture influencing others about the gospel.

2. Avoid senseless arguments and irreverent babble that lead to more ungodliness.

People are not drawn to Jesus, because we can argue our point better than someone else.

People are drawn to the gospel, because they see in us something they desire, and the only explanation is JESUS! 

That’s the very thing that brought me to the Lord!

In fact, irreverent (without respect, or awe, absent of the majesty and personality of a holy God) babble, sends those who don’t know Jesus into deeper ungodly behavior.


Guess that’s why James said, “Be careful, you who are teachers….”

Really, more accurately, he said, “Don’t presume to be a teacher (meaning a good one)… You will incur a greater judgment!” 

Remember, we are all teachers.

All influencers.

What kind?

What is the information we are dishing out?

AND, with what spirit?

3. Teach with kindness, correct with gentleness, patiently endure evil (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

While most teaching is “CAUGHT” not “TAUGHT,” there is a way to teach that is right.





In the hopes that some may be led to repentance, escape the traps of the enemy, and be led to salvation!

Actually, when you think about it, isn’t this the most loving thing we can do as believers: to teach with positive influence?

“AND, our influence,” says author Andy Stanley, “is on a leash.”

We are given only so much time to be someone’s living hope! 


Don’t waste your influence.

Make it count for Christ’s sake!

Therefore, be a vessel of honor, sanctified (set apart) and useful to the Master, prepared for every good work!

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