(Hab. 2:2)

An author-friend of mine writes books on writing books.

She’s kind of a “how to” girl for other people who enjoy writing. 

This would be her main motto:

Over the years, we’ve stayed in touch via email, and I think our correspondence has been mutually beneficial in the arena of “words.”

Recently, I received a random, rather out-of-the blue email simply letting me know the details of her latest book.

At the end, she added a P.S.

“On a personal note, I took on the challenge of wearing the same wool dress for 100 days in a row. I did so for several reasons, including getting used to putting on “real” clothes every day, seeing if it changes my relationship to clothes, and because I want to simplify my life. As of this writing, I’m on day 89. I’m going to write about the experience when I’m done.”

Just FYI, people who write, tend to do a lot of pondering about weird and random things. 

It’s simply part of their makeup…and, it gives fodder for the next thing that pushes their pen across a page… 

Can’t say, if you did a DNA-test on me, that I’d fit entirely into their profile. 


I did ask myself this question after I read her P.S.

“What would my wool dress be?”

Followed by: “What driving force motivates me to a “ponder,” and, subsequently, sit down in front of the computer to face the dreaded blinking cursor on a very white page?” 

Answer: It generally abounds around my studies in Scripture. 

So, I made up my own “wool dress challenge…” 

I’m now on day 51 of 100-days of digging into Psalm 23. 

I don’t spend long each morning – maybe 15-30 minutes max.

I read through the Psalm (I know, it’s a long one – an entire six verses), then go verse at a time and sometimes a word at a time, following whatever lead the Lord seems to place on my heart. 

I’m still on verse 2a: He makes me lie down in green pastures….

It’s been interesting the twists and turns, the detours off the main path, the upward climbs and the downhill slopes, the words of life and love, and the deeper pangs of conviction, that this journey of 100 days into Psalm 23 have taken me. 

More than anything, I’ve been reminded that the Bible is RELEVANT RIGHT NOW in 2021 North America, South America, Asia, Africa….and the uttermost parts of the world…..

I’ve been intrigued at those who think it’s BORING…I just don’t see it.

I’m stunned that Scripture has so much to say about SCRIPTURE…

And, ultimately, this Albert Einstein quote resonates the more I continue on the journey…

So, what’s this all about?

Let your intellect have a little fun when it comes to studying God’s Word. 

Yes, it is also a “serious business” of heaven…

But, let the Word challenge you to stretch your imagination and find deeper intimacy with the Lord waiting on the other side. 

Only one rule applies: Never wander off the pages of Scripture as you journey. 

You can detour all you like, but always detour into another page of this main source. 

As a little encouragement, I recently pulled out an old file in the cabinet where I had been saving different articles, clips, and notes on diverse Bible Study methods. 

I pulled out some of my favorites, compiling them for a series I did for another ministry that zeroes in on global workers around the world (can I just say, we had a lot of fun doing this and sharing with one another how the Lord had spoken from week to week). 

So, I’m attaching the link for that compilation – maybe you can enjoy a little “different” as you have some fun in Scripture:  Finding Joy in the Discovery. (Note: You are welcome to download and share…)

And if you have some additions, please share! 

“What’s YOUR wool dress going to be?”

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