Serving and humility…

It seems I really can’t see one without finding the other…and, I’m recognizing Elisabeth Elliot definitely understood this principle! Her thought on the matter has convicted me for some time!

Of course, I’ve been running across a lot of quotes and different memes on humility as I’ve been studying the what and the why and the how of “humble.” 

But I recognize I really never understood servanthood at all…

In the very first post on this topic, I wrote this:

We are never more like the enemy of our souls (Satan), than when selfish pride gets in our way.

I believe it!

But, I also believe this:

We are never more like Jesus than when we are humbly serving, with little thought to ourselves.

Humility and serving go hand in hand; but, how do you react, I wonder when you serve…and…..NOTHING….

What happens when those you serve see what you are doing, but don’t care?

Worse, what happens when they actually treat you like a servant? 

I might think I have a servant’s heart; I might even convince you I do; but, deep inside I know better.

I like the pats on the back.

I like the words of encouragement.

I like being noticed. 

Until, it stops, and then I need to do more serving, for more pats on the back, positive affirmation, and gratitude. 

Pride is like that – 

Pride is never satisfied.

It’s greedy.

It needs more and more and more.

Not so, humility.

Humility takes no thought to what it receives.

It’s willing, like Moses, to serve in obscurity; and, not only willing, but CONTENT to do so! 

Contentment: a heart at rest that accepts, and is even able to flourish, in spite of circumstances. 

Did you see those two words? Accepts. Flourishes.


With this in mind, the following poem by Ruth Harms Calkin has been at the forefront of my brain for the last several weeks.

I keep looking at it.

Maybe if I look at it long enough, I can, by osmosis, serve more like Jesus.

The poem is titled, I WONDER:

You know, Lord, how I serve You

With great emotional fervor in the limelight…

You know how eagerly I speak for You at a women’s club…

You know how I shine when I promote a fellowship group.

You know my genuine enthusiasm at a Bible study.

But how would I react, I wonder,

If you pointed to a basin of water

And asked me to wash the calloused feet,

Of a bent, broken, and wrinkled old woman,

Day after day

Month after month,

In a room where nobody saw

And nobody knew.

Jesus gave us an example to follow.

In John 13, He gets up from the table where He’s about to eat a meal with His disciples, picks up a towel, wraps it around His waist, grabs a basin of water and washes the filthy feet of His students.

Why would He do this? These very men would run when He got arrested…

One would betray Him for 30 pieces of silver ( the price of a slave).

Another would deny he even knew the Master. Not once, three times!!!

Why? Because we are to follow His example, and…be blessed in the doing (John 13:14-17).

Why? Because, says Warren Wiersbe, “Jesus wanted them to remember the importance of being a servant, walking this earth in humility and holiness…”
This past weekend, I got to wash the feet of 5 beautiful women, whom I’d known for a total of about an 
Doing so was a reminder that Jesus being the Son of God who held all things in His hands, put them down to pick up a basin… 
…That Jesus, clothed in royalty, set aside His garments, to wrap a towel around His waist.
…That Jesus, Sovereign King of Kings, stepped off His throne, stooped low, and took the place of a servant.
While here on earth, it was His turn to serve.
Washing the precious feet of the women in my small group, reminded me I am not Jesus, but I want to look like Him…
It reminded me that while my life is on this earth, it is my turn to serve….and to do so with GLADNESS…not for pats in the back or validation!
The act reminded me, I am nothing, but that He allows good into my life.
It was a perfect reminder of my position in Christ.
What better way to arise and step forth humbly one foot at a time…
Quarry me deep, dear Lord!
It’s my turn to serve and not be served!
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up!

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