I was challenged by another blog post this morning (link will be at the end).

The challenge?

Well, it’s more a reminder that between ADVENT #1 (Jesus’ coming as a babe in a manger)..

…and, ADVENT #2 (the return of King Jesus)…

…I (we) need a lot of mini-advents!


Tiny moments where I see You (Lord) show up in the middle of my messy, busy, oft-distracted life.

Like this morning, when You came in quietness and with a still small voice

And You reminded me






I AM!!!!!!!

You whispered perspective to my soul.

You granted peace amidst some questions and confusion and concern.

You touched me in the deepest, most inward parts of my spiritual-self just to remind me You are ALWAYS PRESENT and I am so very loved…




I need these quiet moments DAILY, because truth is that You always open my eyes to insights into Your Word that I need in the NOW.







                    …and often sin-convicting (smile).

Yep, I need a lot of miniature-sized-advents between the babe in the manger and the returning King, who will be WORLD-TRANSFORMING (truly, I can’t wait – it’s OK – come soon, Lord Jesus!)

So, in between I will look for you in the obvious places

But, also,

Some not-so-obvious places:

*The woman in the grocery store line who offered, “Please go before me, you don’t have much…”

*The hats, scarves, mittens left on the downtown fence posts free for those in need.

*The nativity scene and brightly lit cross standing on public property in the middle of town

*The words of an off-tune, but wholeheartedly sung Christmas carol (Oh, Come Let Us Adore Him) by a shopper on the way to their car in a Walmart parking lot.

*In the little things that bring a smile to my face and a warm glow in my heart that feels a lot like 


for a 


A reminder that the God of All Hope still walks this earth in the flesh and blood, the hands and feet, the heart and acts of kindness of His Followers.

Let’s keep being LIVING HOPE DISPENSERS in the midst of our weary world, looking for lots of tiny advents in between the once-was and the there-and-then!

Yep!!!!…Look for little “a” advents between the two Big Advents (link to blog here).

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