In 2022, the Lord gave me, not a “word” on which to focus, but, rather, a prefix:


“RE” written in front of a word simply means to do something again with the intention of seeing something you haven’t seen before, achieving more, or, perhaps, doing a thing better, perfecting. 

I liked this take on it: for the purpose of maturing. 

I use this as an introduction, because as a part of my “RE”-flection, I “RE”-read a number of books I’d enjoyed in the past that had soul-challenging inspiration on my life. 

This small pile of Kindle downloads included books about women in ministry, primarily women who’d served on the mission field, now gone on to Glory and to be in the presence of their Lord.

Isobel Kuhn.

Amy Carmichael.

Helen Roseveare.

Darlene Diebler Rose.

These, but a few of the women whose written words began stirring up a longing to travel deeper into intimacy with my Savior.

Each one a heroine – not as the world might gauge heroism, but definitely in the sight of their Lord.

It became quite obvious, reading their stories, they shared many commonalities, not one of which were the trials they faced in life. 


Immense loss.

War wounds.




Sufferings unimaginable.

Yet all lived to share their stories of great hope, internal victory, and sweet fellowship with their Savior. 

This I know is true:

One never knows what is in the heart until placed in the crucible of suffering.

CT Studd began a message that he preached sometime in the late 1800’s that speaks volumes. Here is his first line:

“Heroism is the lost chord; the missing note of present-day Christianity. Every true soldier is a hero; a soldier without heroism is a chocolate soldier.”

The Lord calls us all to be soldiers…

Military language is used throughout the New Testament writings, particularly Paul’s letters.

Paul even challenges us in times of difficulty and distress:

“share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus; remembering that no soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him (2 Timothy 2:3-4).”

Here is what the Spirit of the Lord through His apostle, Paul, asks of fellow followers:

1. Endure hardship – being a Jesus-follower is not a cushy work; by joining forces with our Savior, we automatically enlist in a battle.

2. Avoid worldly entanglements – as one enlisted in the Lord’s army, our focus is heavenward; our eyes on our general; our feet, though planted on this earth, ever marching in the place to which our commander calls us. How subtle the wiles of the enemy to attach our hearts to the things of this earth. Those things that distract, feed the flesh, bring pleasure to our hearts, and entice with comfortable living (believe me, I’m guilty of all!).

3. Remember our purpose: to bring pleasure and glory to the one who created us. Remaining steadfast as we recall the suffering of our Lord, who went before and gave His all for us, is but one way we honor Him. Another: magnify our Jesus through the holding forth of God’s pure, unadulterated Word!

4. Trust that what we journey through is producing a far greater character within us…that in the end, we will not “dissolve in water and melt at the smell of fire (CT Studd).” Instead, we become rare pearls (Remember how pearls are formed? From irritating, annoying, afflicting grains of sand!)…

The choice is ours – 

Chocolate soldier?


Rare pearl?

I’ve shared this poem before from dear Amy Carmichael… Yet, again, it is the prayer of my heart, one I’ve memorized and pray at night as I drift off to sleep:

From prayer that asks that I might be

Sheltered from winds that beat on me

From fearing when I should aspire

From faltering when I should climb higher

From silken self, O Captain, free

Thy soldier who would follow Thee.

From subtle love of softening things,

From easy choices, weakening

(Not thus are spirits fortified…

Not this way went the Crucified)

From all that dims Thy Calvary

O Lamb of God, deliver me.

Give me the love that leads the way

The faith that nothing can dismay

The hope no disappointments tire

The passion that will burn like fire…

Let me not sink to be a clod,

Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God…

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